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Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Bud Dahu In Retrospect : The Lone Vertical Truth
Bud Dahu In Retrospect : The Lone Vertical Truth
by Warina Sushil A. Jukuy, 22 April
A single conical peak
Bud Daju emerges as the very
Tombstone of Allah’s Elevated
Witnesses of Yesteryears
Where Human Dignity willingly died
In the Battle of the Clouds
That it may live eternally
Under the Sovereign Power and Mercy
Of Allahu subhanahu wa taala
Today, I watched you in 3-D
Nagging thoughts and feelings
Unknown to me unfolded
for centuries
Today, I heard you from foreign lips
Resonating sorrow, were they
Words painted you in syllables
Failing graphic symbols
Mumbling in morbid rumbling
Within the cardiac mazes of this
Held captive in random access memory
Six centuries, a decade and five
Today, I saw you through graceful
Swaying to the flitting flute notes
gongs resounding through ears
Long deafened by your muted wailings
Martyred bodies like tongue of
Fierily recounting untold stories of
Awakening memories in peace has lain
Like ghastly shadows foretelling
Breathless the music in stacatto
Into my senses vibrating alive
Punctuated by cannon bombs
Synthesizing this callus mind
In horror those faces alarmingly
Pallor-filled took flight to fight
Valor colored Tausugs defended
The Lone Vertical Truth
Riddled with deathly sounds
Turned into carcasses elevated
By heavenly ivory angels
Who witnessed such martyrdom
Gold coins bought sovereignty
Holy blood redeemed Lost Glory
“Let Da-huu be…” is the
crescent souls’
endless symphony.
Cowards cringed from slander
Betrayal infused their doom
Alienated from the creed of Honor
(s)Wallowed in murky depths of Shame
Today, I tasted you blandly
But from what I’ve watched
Heard and seen through eyes
Ears and tongues not mine
There lingers this aftertaste
Of juvenile wine candies
Bursting of scotch, cognac
Bourbon that burn acerbic
Against my ethnic throat!
O! Like pilgrims they revisited peace
Heels treaded on hallowed ground
In solidarity…gingerly
Disturbing grasses, stones, soil
Even the veneer air that we breathe…
A single conical peak
Bud Daju protruded as the very
Tombstone of Allah’s Elevated
Where Human Dignity willingly died
In the Battle of the Clouds
That it may live eternally
Under the Sovereign Power and Mercy
Of Allah subhanahu wa taala
To Him
We, like Them,
Shall Surely All
inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Do Not Kill Hearts Joined Together By ALLAH
Bismillaahi walhamdulillaah was saalaatu wassaalaamu alaa
ALLAH has joined our hearts together and by ALLAH’s Grace we have all become
brothers and sisters in Islamic Faith. Sa laggu laggu Nihmat tyukbal katunyu sin ALLAH kyawajiban katu nyu Hamparu'un
Subhanallaahi wa bihamdih! I am grateful and immensely humbled to realize that ALLAH has joined our hearts together and by ALLAH’s Grace we have all become brothers and sisters in Islamic Faith. I dread and fear that the evil whisperer will attempt to severe our ties of kinship as we enjoin good and forbid evil for Allah’s sake. Wallaahu musta’aan… audhu billaahi minash-shaytaanir rajiim.
We seek refuge in Allaah from the accursed Shaytan that
we may exercise utmost restraint and patience even as we notice each other’s
faults and frailties. May we not forget even for a moment to give nasiha
to each other so that none of us will depart bi idhnillaah even just a cubit
from the Muslim community; so that while alive we do not kill our hearts bi
idhnillaah in the process of cutting the qata ur rahm; and that
when death comes we may not die bi idhnillaah in the Days of Ignorance.
The Noble Qur'an 3:103, 105 “And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allâh (i.e. this Qur'ân), and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allâh's Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islâmic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allâh makes His Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided.
...And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment.
Hadith - Sahih Muslim (3/1340) and Ahmad (2/367)
The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, “Indeed Allah is pleased with three things: That you worship Allah alone without associating any partner along with Him; that you hold fast altogether to the Rope of Allah and not to become split-up; and that you give sincere advise to whomever Allah put in charge of your affairs.”
Masha’ALLAH! I am honored to be associated with those who were granted by ALLAH superior understanding of deen from among mankind, you who are The Rabba’aniyoon, our revered role models who inspire us in words, hearts and deeds in safeguarding Islam and qata ur Rahm. This is a nasiha foremost to myself and I am sharing it to all of you whom I have come to respect and value dearly. You have often more than I do read these verses from the Qur’an along with supporting aHadith. Perhaps each time we read or encounter it is not as deep in effect as when we read it when our hearts are heavy especially so if it is almost killed by wrath or displeasure. From ALLAH, ar Rahman nir Rahim whose Mercy prevails over His Wrath, we sincerely seek forgiveness and further supplicate that may our mercy for each other prevail over our wrath amidst trials that beset us so we may earn His Pleasure. Subhaanallaahil azeem!
baha pangayu'un kaniyu mapuas namuh na piyangayu pa Allaahu Subhanahu
wa Ta alaa, wayruun dayng kanyu ulama iban dayng ha antara natuh katan
in magsalay kasi atawa mamugtu'i parsugpatan labay pangatayan pyatli na
sin Tuhan?
Hadith - Qudsi 1
When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: My mercy prevails over my wrath.
Wanatu-bu Ilayk, Innahu Huwal Ghafurur Raheem. Allahumma ati nafsi taqwaha, wa
zakkiha anta waliyyuha wa maulaha. Rabbanā 'Ātinā Fī d-Dunyā Ĥasanatan Wa
Fīl-'Ākhirati Ĥasanatan Wa Qinā `Adhāban-Nārr….Aameen, Aameen, Aameen!
Hadith - Qudsi 31
A man said: By Allah, Allah will not forgive So-and-so. At this Allah the Almighty said: Who is he who swears by Me that I will not forgive So-and-so? Verily I have forgiven So-and-so and have nullified your [own good] deeds (or as he said [it]).
Hadith - Qudsi 34
O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as it.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Education is for ALL: Fully Clothed or Stark Naked, One Must Make the Right Choice
Educators must be reminded that Education is For ALL--- regardless of gender, race, creed, religion, faith, culture.
The right (and choice) to be fully clothed and covered does NOT in any way vitiate one's self of his or her intellect to avail of the right to be educated. To deprive anyone of the right to exercise religious freedom in the course of academic pursuit is unjust and inhumane.
Educational institutions must not become an instrument that drives striving-to-be-pious-students to the "brink of spiritual suicide (translated as risking losing one's Faith)."
After all, holistic education must lead us to the Summum Bonum- translated as IHSAN- and closer to the Alpha-Omega- translated ALLAH and not away from the Beneficence and Mercy of the All-Knowing."
The right (and choice) to be fully clothed and covered does NOT in any way vitiate one's self of his or her intellect to avail of the right to be educated. To deprive anyone of the right to exercise religious freedom in the course of academic pursuit is unjust and inhumane.
Educational institutions must not become an instrument that drives striving-to-be-pious-students to the "brink of spiritual suicide (translated as risking losing one's Faith)."
After all, holistic education must lead us to the Summum Bonum- translated as IHSAN- and closer to the Alpha-Omega- translated ALLAH and not away from the Beneficence and Mercy of the All-Knowing."
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
How Bigoted Are We? Much Ado About Terrorists?
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Friday, May 11, 2012 12:08 PM
Bismillaahi walhamdulillaah wassalaatu wassaalaamu alaa rasuulillaah
Assalamu alaykum Mohammed Ryan :)
Your personal comments have the effect of reminding me to exercise utmost restraint and counsel myself not to be angry.... "auto sabar mode"...because of the provocative stimulus that elicited a gamut of reactions RE: Security Risk? Allaah bless your living in this world, Mohammed Ryann-- somehow your comments have neutralized "my ire". Subhanaallaah. I am reminded to sustain gracious speech with wisdom as well as humility that I can humanly muster. Bi idhnillaah :)
Indeed, responsible media can be a powerful tool in engendering or even forging peace but when used recklessly/thoughtlessly- irresponsible media can be a lethal tool in perpetuating senseless war.
Conversely, any religion, creed, or belief can also engender peace just as it can lethally perpetuate senseless war (intolerance, xenophobia etc) in all forms WHEN such religion, creed, or belief is used malevolently out of the "perversion" of certain "human beings."
The Omniscient, Omnipresent, Sovereign King, Lord of Mankind and the Universe is Perfect, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Most Loving and Most Just. Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil Aalaameen. However, human beings can never have those qualities of The One God.
Some people -regardless of gender/sogi, creed, race, faith or religion- have the proclivity when hurt and hurting to the max - to become warped and blame the creed, race, faith or religion and worst GOD just because one or anyone of them - acting individually - has done something evil against others.
It is the obligation of the striving-to-be-God-fearing on the face of this earth to ENJOIN what is good and to FORBID evil; what was commanded by The Almighty God is "NEVER" to FORBID GOOD NOR to ENJOIN EVIL!
However, every humane person (from the People of the Book or otherwise) must know and understand just as every Muslim who surrenders himself to the will of ALLAH must likewise do- that in enjoining good and in forbidding evil: one must in all circumspection weigh the maslaha (benefit) and the mafsaada (harm) that it will bring the community.
In enjoining good and forbidding evil, the maslaha or the benefit must outweigh the mafsada. Are we stoking the Flames of Goodwill or are we unconsciously stoking the Flames of ILL FEELINGS? I inwardly ask myself these questions foremost. In so doing, I invite all readers along with Mohammed Ryan :) and The OverLord who are both (seemingly) traumatically hurting and consequently are now hurting themselves in the process of self-healing. :) I can just imagine where ALL of these hurt and pains are coming. La hawla wa la quwwata illaa billaah.
Thus, this is my personal supplication: May this SECURITY RISK? RIGHT TO COMMENT bring us peoples of Faith greatest benefit and least harm. aameen Ya Rabb.
The Young Moro Professionals Network (YMPN) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) composed of young Moro professionals advocating peaceful means to improve the socio-economic well-being of the Bangsamoro people. While a majority of members live in the Philippines, particularly in Metro Manila and Mindanao, there are several members who are based in other countries. YMPN members are largely employed, both in government and private sector jobs.
Assalamu alaykum Mohammed Ryan :)
Your personal comments have the effect of reminding me to exercise utmost restraint and counsel myself not to be angry.... "auto sabar mode"...because of the provocative stimulus that elicited a gamut of reactions RE: Security Risk? Allaah bless your living in this world, Mohammed Ryann-- somehow your comments have neutralized "my ire". Subhanaallaah. I am reminded to sustain gracious speech with wisdom as well as humility that I can humanly muster. Bi idhnillaah :)
Indeed, responsible media can be a powerful tool in engendering or even forging peace but when used recklessly/thoughtlessly- irresponsible media can be a lethal tool in perpetuating senseless war.
Conversely, any religion, creed, or belief can also engender peace just as it can lethally perpetuate senseless war (intolerance, xenophobia etc) in all forms WHEN such religion, creed, or belief is used malevolently out of the "perversion" of certain "human beings."
The Omniscient, Omnipresent, Sovereign King, Lord of Mankind and the Universe is Perfect, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Most Loving and Most Just. Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil Aalaameen. However, human beings can never have those qualities of The One God.
Some people -regardless of gender/sogi, creed, race, faith or religion- have the proclivity when hurt and hurting to the max - to become warped and blame the creed, race, faith or religion and worst GOD just because one or anyone of them - acting individually - has done something evil against others.
It is the obligation of the striving-to-be-God-fearing on the face of this earth to ENJOIN what is good and to FORBID evil; what was commanded by The Almighty God is "NEVER" to FORBID GOOD NOR to ENJOIN EVIL!
However, every humane person (from the People of the Book or otherwise) must know and understand just as every Muslim who surrenders himself to the will of ALLAH must likewise do- that in enjoining good and in forbidding evil: one must in all circumspection weigh the maslaha (benefit) and the mafsaada (harm) that it will bring the community.
In enjoining good and forbidding evil, the maslaha or the benefit must outweigh the mafsada. Are we stoking the Flames of Goodwill or are we unconsciously stoking the Flames of ILL FEELINGS? I inwardly ask myself these questions foremost. In so doing, I invite all readers along with Mohammed Ryan :) and The OverLord who are both (seemingly) traumatically hurting and consequently are now hurting themselves in the process of self-healing. :) I can just imagine where ALL of these hurt and pains are coming. La hawla wa la quwwata illaa billaah.
Thus, this is my personal supplication: May this SECURITY RISK? RIGHT TO COMMENT bring us peoples of Faith greatest benefit and least harm. aameen Ya Rabb.
A Statement by the Young Moro
Professionals Network Inc.
(Regarding a caption of a photograph showing a woman in burqa at the
front-page of Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) last May 9, 2012, Wednesday)
Media plays a
critical role in our society. We live in a society that largely depends on
information and communication and media is one of the key social agents that shape
public opinion and public behavior.
For quite some
time, reports on particular incidents easily tag the word “Muslims” or
associate explicitly or implicitly Muslims with terrorism and violence. Numbers
of media reportage of the religious group has promoted a negative image,
misperception, and prejudice against the Muslim population in the country.
Muslim men and women across age-levels have to grapple with experiencing
pockets of intolerance, stereotyping, and discrimination from non-Muslims who
are majority in the country. Meanwhile, a number of non-Muslim individuals and
groups—embracing peace advocacy, interfaith-dialogue, and social justice—
acknowledge and help address the alarming situation of bias in media against
As much as we
recognize the fact that reporting on another religion or culture can be a
challenge, we all need to value respect for all religions and cultures, based
on moral grounds and based on basic human right to freely exercise one’s
religion without discrimination.
The Young Moro Professionals Network (YMPN) is deeply concerned about a
caption of a photograph showing a woman in burqa at the front-page of Philippine
Daily Inquirer (PDI) last May 9, 2012, Wednesday. The said photograph was
labeled, “SECURITY RISK? President Aquino
greets a Muslim woman wrapped in a burka and niqab during the oath-taking of
officers in charge of ARMM Regional Legislative Assembly held in Malacañang on
Tuesday. The unidentified woman is reportedly a relative of one of the
In lieu of this, we also recognize
that the said photo has another version in other copies you released, which
already indicates a more appropriate term, “PALACE GUEST.” We are deeply
concerned by this as it may add to the adverse image that the majority of our
society has against Muslims, while endangering the lives of our Muslim Women
wearing burqa or niqab that may also result to discrimination.
Such act shows disrespect to Islam as a Religion and to us Muslims and further
feed into the stereotyping of Muslims as terrorists. The burqa
(loose body covering) and hijab (veil) serve both as a woman's shield from
non-mahram (strange men) and also serve as a symbol of her faith/submission to
Allah. People need to respect and be enlightened on why Muslim women
cover themselves for others not
to easily
make negative/derogatory statements even if Muslim women
wearing burqa had been a big issue and may have been used for negative purposes
in other countries.
It is highly disheartening that the Philippine Daily
Inquirer (PDI), which should be one of the nation’s partners in peace building
given the role and influence of the media sector, runs contrary to the efforts
of YMPN and Other Groups’ efforts to promote peaceful and harmonious
relationship among people of different faiths.
We would like to make an appeal to PDI, being a leading
newspaper in the country, to do the proper course of action by issuing a public
explanation to the offended parties and make necessary policies promoting
respect for religions and cultures within the framework of peace and religious
The PDI incident is
an eye-opener and a great call for us to look at long term solutions in
response to this kind of issue. We recognize the importance for media companies
to come up with a manual on the Code of Ethics emphasizing on writing about
other religions and cultures and promoting peace reporting. We acknowledge the
importance of integrating peace education in schools and peace journalism for
media practitioners.
We plead that His Excellency President Benigno Aquino III
and the government would support our stand and take necessary actions to
strengthen policies or laws ensuring equal and fair treatment of people
regardless of religion, culture, gender and the like.
We would like to thank our Muslim brothers and sisters for
demonstrating patience and diplomacy in the face of such sad news. Our deepest
gratitude to Non-Muslims who have expressed sympathy and support, who have
called on the nation to continue to be more vigilant and to work with us not
just for mere co-existence but for long-lasting harmonious inter-human
Amidst this sad incident, we are open to having a dialogue with you to forge
partnerships to promote a nation without prejudice, bigotry and religious
intolerance, to advance peace reporting especially on news about Muslims and
Moro Affairs and make a positive change to contribute to bridging understanding,
healing, peaceful coexistence and nation-building. We want to be an active
partner of PDI to publish good news about the Muslim population with the
purpose of promoting positive image and help address the
alarming situation of bias in media against Muslims.
This is the Way to a Peaceful Nation.
The Young Moro Professionals Network (YMPN) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) composed of young Moro professionals advocating peaceful means to improve the socio-economic well-being of the Bangsamoro people. While a majority of members live in the Philippines, particularly in Metro Manila and Mindanao, there are several members who are based in other countries. YMPN members are largely employed, both in government and private sector jobs.
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Re: [y_m_p] The Way to a Peaceful Nation (A Statement by the Young Moro Professionals Network)
"Rohaniza Sumndad"
View contact details
Salam Brothers and Sisters.
On an affirmative note, let us also look at the positive side of the issue on PDI and learn from it as it shows that we need to help our Non-Muslim brothers and sisters to understand Islam. As Muslims, let us be active partners of PDI especially on reporting about Muslim affairs. Let us learn from how Prophet Muhammad (SAW) responded to these kinds of issues during his time.
This is one of the times that our Faith is being tested. This is our personal jihad. Jihadun-Nafs, our intimate struggle to purify one's soul, doing what is good and forbidding what is wrong. In this world, our Islamic faith is always being tested, where we should learn to protect, be more assertive and stronger yet humble to protect our Ummah (Muslim Community) from the unjust part of our society.
As an educator and peace advocate, my personal stand on this matter is that this is a great call to promote and integrate peace education in schools and special programs promoting cultural and religious awareness in institutions for media practitioners. Inculcating the Culture of Peace at the young stages of our lives can help avoid incidents like this. This is what we actually do in another organization that I am involved with, Asia America Initiative (AAI). This is an eye-opener that we also need to look at a long term solution on Building a Culture of Peace in the Philippines. After all, in reality, we all want to have a nation with no prejudice, discrimination, bigotry and religious intolerance.
May Allah guide us all.
On an affirmative note, let us also look at the positive side of the issue on PDI and learn from it as it shows that we need to help our Non-Muslim brothers and sisters to understand Islam. As Muslims, let us be active partners of PDI especially on reporting about Muslim affairs. Let us learn from how Prophet Muhammad (SAW) responded to these kinds of issues during his time.
This is one of the times that our Faith is being tested. This is our personal jihad. Jihadun-Nafs, our intimate struggle to purify one's soul, doing what is good and forbidding what is wrong. In this world, our Islamic faith is always being tested, where we should learn to protect, be more assertive and stronger yet humble to protect our Ummah (Muslim Community) from the unjust part of our society.
As an educator and peace advocate, my personal stand on this matter is that this is a great call to promote and integrate peace education in schools and special programs promoting cultural and religious awareness in institutions for media practitioners. Inculcating the Culture of Peace at the young stages of our lives can help avoid incidents like this. This is what we actually do in another organization that I am involved with, Asia America Initiative (AAI). This is an eye-opener that we also need to look at a long term solution on Building a Culture of Peace in the Philippines. After all, in reality, we all want to have a nation with no prejudice, discrimination, bigotry and religious intolerance.
May Allah guide us all.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Rachid Nekkaz: The NIqaabi Defender at All Cost
Muslim French Mogul To Pay ALL Burqa-Niqaab Fines
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RACHID NEKKAZ is the French businessman who has set up a
fund to pay fines for women who wear Islamic veils or the burqa in public “in
whatever country in the world that bans women from doing so”.
Nekkaz (pictured) has set up a million euro fund to pay fines for women who
choose to wear the full Islamic veil in countries, like France, where it is
against the law to do so in public.
http://www.france24.com/en/20110819-french-businessman-pay-all-burqa-fines-belgium-rachid-nekkaz |
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
What Do Hijab, Niqab and Burqa Remind You of? certainly NOT suicide bombers, PLS!
What Do Hijaab, Niqaab and Burqa Remind You of? SECURITY RISK?
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SOS: Engender RESPONSIBLE Peace Journalism Needed ASAP! Why write "SECURITY RISK?" as a caption? Shoulda been: PROVEN SECURITY RISK NOT AT ALL! or A Historic Handshake Erasing Histrionics About Security Risk! ;) http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/191419/burqa-caption-%E2%80%98uncalled-for%E2%80%99-pdi-%E2%80%98we-say-so-sorry%E2%80%99#comment-529201149 MindaNews » Media groups ask PDI to apologize for “security risk ...
You +1'd this
publicly. Undo
5 days ago – Warina Jukuy of Sulu, who wears a burqa,
wrote in her blog that instead of “
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Suicide bombers?!? |
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Suicide bombers?!? |
Suicide bombers?!?
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Suicide bombers?!? |
I am inclined to say that it is a matter of perspective on how we perceive hijaab,
niqaab, burqa in relation to the following:
1. nun's habit
2. respiratory masks (ie N95s, PAPR/hepa filter, surgical masks, SCBA etc) as well as
2. respiratory masks (ie N95s, PAPR/hepa filter, surgical masks, SCBA etc) as well as
4. sunscreen
Except for the color black and white and all shades in between.... there really is hardly a difference :)
There are people who may or may not react to "spine-tingling stimuli"
such as human beings in their birthday suit whether they may be aesthetically
endowed or grotesque ;) for comic relief; H1N1, hepatitis, smog, pollutants, global warming, genocide, permanent war economy, Nightmare on Elm St, Twilight zone, tsunami, ghouls, Exorcist, vipers, slime, from horrendous, to ridiculous to even erogenous among others.
People just have to widen their horizon and strive to tone down
stereotyping and avoid dangers of jumping (fully clothed or stark naked) into " unfounded conclusion. "
All actions are judged by INTENTIONS HAdith 1 from Imam Nawawi's.
Let us be consoled that the RIGHT TO WEAR HIJAB, NIQAB, BURQA and the RIGHT
to be nude, semi-naked etc is at par when it comes to right.
Personally, I am not waging a HIJAB GLOBAL CAMPAIGN but I am obliged
and pleased to protect the rights of those who are crying out for help because
their chastity/modesty as much as their piety are endangered and unjustifiably
Need I even pose a rhetoric: " If Muslims compromise their niqab, hijab
and burqa, shall they earn the respect of those who "disrespect Muslims" borne perhaps of their inclination to intolerance, discrimination, stereotyping and personal prejudices? Well,
it IS a Muslim's /Muslimah's right to seek the pleasure of Allaah and it IS the
right of others to seek the displeasure of ALLAH....La hawla wa la quwwata illa
billaah aliyyil adheem....
Alhamdulillaahil ladhee bi nihmatihi tatimmus saalihaat. May Allah bless you Sis Kong, there is hikmah in everything.... :)....I must thank you for emailing me those questions :)
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