Second Life
If ever there was
an extension of Allah's
Lease of Life
Am thankful
grateful for ALLAH
is great...
remorseful for
what might have beens
Al qadar wal qadaa'
mode breaks that mood
Alhamdulillaahi alaa kulli haal
That moment I have fully grasped
the Most Trustworthy Handhold
that never breaks
YET flailing my Eeman quakes
each weak moment
I reminisce
of what might have beens
ALLAH never breaks His Promise
That moment I have fully grasped
the Most Trustworthy Handhold
that never breaks
I dread the thought
of letting go...
in the sweetness
of His Infinite Mercy!
Nahmadullaah wa nashkuruh!
{Allaah is the
Walee (Protector or Guardian) of those who believe. He brings them out
from darkness into light. But as for those who disbelieve, their
Auliyaa’ (supporters and helpers) are Taaghoot (false deities), they
bring them out from light into darkness. Those are the dwellers of the
Fire, and they will abide therein forever.} [Surah al-Baqarah (2): 257]
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Friday, December 28, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Think Out Loud: Links to Hijab/Niqaab issues in the Philippines
Think Out Loud: Links to Hijab/Niqaab issues in the Philippines: These are some links to the Hijab/Niqab ban issues in Philippine Schools and Hospitals. Hijaab-Niqaab-Advo... Hijaab-Niqaab-Advocacy- Network/280451248727431?ref=hl 370519/in-name-religious- freedom nation/04/07/09/muslims-arms- against-discrimination articles_2601_2650/Hijab%20-% 20A%20Symbol%20of% 20Liberation%20and%20Not%20of% 20Oppression.HT articles_2601_2650/Hijab%20-% 20A%20Symbol%20of% 20Liberation%20and%20Not%20of% 20Oppression.HTM
Among the many legal documents:
1.) PRC Memorandum No. 2012-02 Re: Wearing of Veils of Muslim Womens Taking the Licensure Examinations dated January 24, 2012 issued by Commissioner Alfredo Y. Po, OIC PRC: set/?set=oa.297790223602752& type=1
Note: Moreover, this order is applicable to all Muslimat Niqaabi across Philippines and in all courses that need to take for a licensure examinations in PRC.
2.) NCMF Issuance Re: Legal Guidelines on Hijab by Bureau on Legal Affairs issued by Commissioner Atty. Edilwasif T.Baddiri dated September 20, 2011; Resolution No. 44, Series of 2011 approved and signed by Hon. Bai Omera D. Dianalan-Lucman and Commissioners of National Commission on Muslim Filipinos dated October 05, 2011: set/?set=oa.245916968790078& type=1
3.) NBI Order Re: Memorandum Order No. 28 S. 2008, Guidelines on Photo Requirements and Picture Taking for NBI Clearance Purposes approved by Atty. Nestor M. Mantaring, Director of NBI Central Office, Manila in response to the appeal of Deputy Mufti Shaykh Abdulwakil S. Tanjilil: set/?set=oa.246410378740737& type=1
4.) DOH Memo and Order namely DOH MEMO No. 2009-0107 issued by DOH Secretary Francisco Duque III, MD MSc. (Re:Strengthening the Protection of Religious Rights of Muslim workers, including but not limited to students and trainees in health facilities), which was duly reiterated by DOH MEMO No. 2011-0232dated 16 August 2011 Re: Reiterating Compliance to DOH MEMO No. 2009-0107 by Nemesio T. Gako, MD, MPH, CESO II, Asst Secretary of Health, Internal Finance and Administration Technical Cluster- lobbied by IMAN President Sherjan Kalim, MD: dm2011-0232.pdf
5.) Strengthening the Protection of Religious Rights of Students (DepED Order No. 53 s. 2001 by Sec Raul S. Roco; and CHED MEMO dated 26 August 2008 signed by OIC Dr Nina S. Ricafort): /uploads/issuanceImg/DO%2053_ 10-29-01_00001.pdf
6.) DFA and among others, SOON, In shaa’ Allah!
http://neocatalyst.blogspot. com/2012/05/not-merely-uz- even-malacanang-has-no.html ion/04/07/09/muslims-arms- against-discrimination
http://neocatalyst.blogspot. com/2011/10/defense-of- muslimat-fortress-no-dearth. html 208565/doh-allows-wearing- muslim-head-gear /04/09/the-hijab-a-symbol-of- liberation-not-oppression/ article52.html 3&Id=161951
HIJAB RELATED VIDEO/AUDIO o/SUG_Alun_Limaya_1.mp3 v=Eyc5vLTGT9o v=7l9DpT3XmGs v=BkZzHpHUw6A v=BqgNg2aaoXQ v=NHY_E6XTrH0 v=rfYdXYnnNSs
"HR ALERT! Witnessed a Human Rights Violation? SUBMIT A REPORT NOW" we call this the CSO-PIMM form: find the online submission below it:
We are thankful that our fervent prayers are granted by The Most Compassionate and Beneficent ALLAH.
This serves as proof which is quite a relief to our frustrations that there ARE still institutions who respect the dignity and inviolable rights of fellow human beings regardless of religious affiliation.
May we continue to uphold and abide the law in consonance with and respect to the inalienable rights of all Muslim Filipinos.
Aameen Ya Rabb! Hijaab-Niqaab-Advo...
http://www.mindanaoexaminer. |
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
HIJAAB-NIQAAB Compilation of LEGAL Documents and Related Articles
Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakatuhu!!
Among the many legal documents:
1.) PRC Memorandum No. 2012-02 Re: Wearing of Veils of Muslim Womens Taking the Licensure Examinations dated January 24, 2012 issued by Commissioner Alfredo Y. Po, OIC PRC:
Note: Moreover, this order is applicable to all Muslimat Niqaabi across Philippines and in all courses that need to take for a licensure examinations in PRC.
2.) NCMF Issuance Re: Legal Guidelines on Hijab by Bureau on Legal Affairs issued by Commissioner Atty. Edilwasif T.Baddiri dated September 20, 2011; Resolution No. 44, Series of 2011 approved and signed by Hon. Bai Omera D. Dianalan-Lucman and Commissioners of National Commission on Muslim Filipinos dated October 05, 2011:
3.) NBI Order Re: Memorandum Order No. 28 S. 2008, Guidelines on Photo Requirements and Picture Taking for NBI Clearance Purposes approved by Atty. Nestor M. Mantaring, Director of NBI Central Office, Manila in response to the appeal of Deputy Mufti Shaykh Abdulwakil S. Tanjilil:
4.) DOH Memo and Order namely DOH MEMO No. 2009-0107 issued by DOH Secretary Francisco Duque III, MD MSc. (Re:Strengthening the Protection of Religious Rights of Muslim workers, including but not limited to students and trainees in health facilities), which was duly reiterated by DOH MEMO No. 2011-0232dated 16 August 2011 Re: Reiterating Compliance to DOH MEMO No. 2009-0107 by Nemesio T. Gako, MD, MPH, CESO II, Asst Secretary of Health, Internal Finance and Administration Technical Cluster- lobbied by IMAN President Sherjan Kalim, MD:
5.) Strengthening the Protection of Religious Rights of Students (DepED Order No. 53 s. 2001 by Sec Raul S. Roco; and CHED MEMO dated 26 August 2008 signed by OIC Dr Nina S. Ricafort):
6.) DFA and among others, SOON, In shaa’ Allah!
"HR ALERT! Witnessed a Human Rights Violation? SUBMIT A REPORT NOW" we call this the CSO-PIMM form: find the online submission below it:
We are thankful that our fervent prayers are granted by The Most Compassionate and Beneficent ALLAH.
This serves as proof which is quite a relief to our frustrations that there ARE still institutions who respect the dignity and inviolable rights of fellow human beings regardless of religious affiliation.
May we continue to uphold and abide the law in consonance with and respect to the inalienable rights of all Muslim Filipinos.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Do Not Violate Our Niqaab; Do Not Shatter Our Dreams
Bismillaahir Rahmanir Rahiim
Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Baarakatuhu
Truly Allah decrees what Allah wills
And so we accept it, trust Allah solely as we surrender everything to our Rabb
Initially, my candidness got the worst of me.
I was appalled to learn from Atty Apion (AP) via telecom last December 14 that:
1. Judge Estacio (JE) like AP admitted to have spent sleepless nights over the ...stalemate;
2. Stalemate: for reasons of irreparable damage or injury on the niqaabis’ well-being a writ of preliminary injunction (WOPI) was issued by JE against UZ ordering the latter to enroll the niqaabi-complainants YET UZ Pres Atty Linda E. Lim (ALL) stubbornly defied it as she dared court to jail her if it must;
What a shame for UZ-ALL - being an attorney herself- to set a bad example as an educator by acrimoniously defying the WOPI of JE!
3. Why the gall? ALL ludicrous alibi: UZ Faculty is scared of niqaabi enrollees and even threatened to resign if UZ will follow court order.
4. UZ ALL instead offered a demanding compromise:
a. UZ will accept only 2 niqaabi enrollees who are graduating this semester, inshaALLAH;
b. BUT in exchange for A, AP along with complainants must withdraw case against UZ;
5. THUS, considering 1 to 4, JE implored AP to withdraw the case for the ff reaons:
a. JE cannot jail ALL considering she’s elderly and an icon in ZC;
b. IF AP were to pursue the legal battle it will be a useless and fruitless battle;
c. even if niqaabis were to be enrolled, UZ will give it a hard time or subject them to academic pressure;
d. except for two graduating niqaabis, the rest of the complainants were being disqualified for any of the ff reasons:
i. failure to comply with retention policy;
ii. dubious of their capacity to cope up in mid-sem as late enrollees;
iii. medical checkup result;
iv. outstanding balance re school fees;
What a shame for UZ-ALL to vitiate our vulnerable niqaabis of reason and free will by issuing grave threat, intimidation and sowing fear in them!
6. Considering the aforegoing issues, JE deemed it that AP withdraw the case and just pursue the fight thru an institutional response from CHED.
7. CONCLUSION: After consultations among AP, HAN Pres SZO and niqaabi complainants an ijma was reached: they accepted ALL’s offer (refer to item 4).
There is no dearth of laws, memos, and other legal issuances but there is palpable emasculation in matters of implementation of law and its corresponding legal sanction.
In the interest of justice--- the weakened and oppressed must NEVER be deprived of LIFE, LIBERTY and PROPERTY without due process of law- just as in this case where niqaabis who are barred from academic pursuit are suffering grave injustice and irreparable injury.
The right to Religious Freedom is NON NEGOTIABLE especially so that it is a right to live as Muslims in accordance to our deen, ISLAM. Thus, it must never be compromised.
Truly Allah decrees what Allah wills
And so we accept it, trust Allah solely as we surrender everything to our Rabb. Aameen Ya Rabbal alameen!
Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Baarakatuhu
Truly Allah decrees what Allah wills
And so we accept it, trust Allah solely as we surrender everything to our Rabb
Initially, my candidness got the worst of me.
I was appalled to learn from Atty Apion (AP) via telecom last December 14 that:
1. Judge Estacio (JE) like AP admitted to have spent sleepless nights over the ...stalemate;
2. Stalemate: for reasons of irreparable damage or injury on the niqaabis’ well-being a writ of preliminary injunction (WOPI) was issued by JE against UZ ordering the latter to enroll the niqaabi-complainants YET UZ Pres Atty Linda E. Lim (ALL) stubbornly defied it as she dared court to jail her if it must;
What a shame for UZ-ALL - being an attorney herself- to set a bad example as an educator by acrimoniously defying the WOPI of JE!
3. Why the gall? ALL ludicrous alibi: UZ Faculty is scared of niqaabi enrollees and even threatened to resign if UZ will follow court order.
4. UZ ALL instead offered a demanding compromise:
a. UZ will accept only 2 niqaabi enrollees who are graduating this semester, inshaALLAH;
b. BUT in exchange for A, AP along with complainants must withdraw case against UZ;
5. THUS, considering 1 to 4, JE implored AP to withdraw the case for the ff reaons:
a. JE cannot jail ALL considering she’s elderly and an icon in ZC;
b. IF AP were to pursue the legal battle it will be a useless and fruitless battle;
c. even if niqaabis were to be enrolled, UZ will give it a hard time or subject them to academic pressure;
d. except for two graduating niqaabis, the rest of the complainants were being disqualified for any of the ff reasons:
i. failure to comply with retention policy;
ii. dubious of their capacity to cope up in mid-sem as late enrollees;
iii. medical checkup result;
iv. outstanding balance re school fees;
What a shame for UZ-ALL to vitiate our vulnerable niqaabis of reason and free will by issuing grave threat, intimidation and sowing fear in them!
6. Considering the aforegoing issues, JE deemed it that AP withdraw the case and just pursue the fight thru an institutional response from CHED.
7. CONCLUSION: After consultations among AP, HAN Pres SZO and niqaabi complainants an ijma was reached: they accepted ALL’s offer (refer to item 4).
There is no dearth of laws, memos, and other legal issuances but there is palpable emasculation in matters of implementation of law and its corresponding legal sanction.
In the interest of justice--- the weakened and oppressed must NEVER be deprived of LIFE, LIBERTY and PROPERTY without due process of law- just as in this case where niqaabis who are barred from academic pursuit are suffering grave injustice and irreparable injury.
The right to Religious Freedom is NON NEGOTIABLE especially so that it is a right to live as Muslims in accordance to our deen, ISLAM. Thus, it must never be compromised.
Truly Allah decrees what Allah wills
And so we accept it, trust Allah solely as we surrender everything to our Rabb. Aameen Ya Rabbal alameen!
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