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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Victims of Fate, History, Circumstance and False Flag

We are indeed lucky not to wallow in defeat 
as victims of fate, history and circumstance 
add up to it false flag-
but this must not in any way dull our hearts 
to reach out and assert for the rights of our  own brethren 
who have been silent victims 
as they breathe and until they have breathed their last.

When one is saturated with the seemingly bleakness 
of what the past, the present and future hold
- as crimes, mishaps, calamity, hunger,
destitution, oppression, aggression, 
violence, terrorism, thirst, deprivation,
depravation, inflation,
confront you via tri-media 
as well as the multimedia world, 
oh yes! cyberspace and beyond
worst! through personal experience:
"only in the remembrance of Allah can a restless heart truly find rest."

Qadarullaahi wa ma shaa afaa ala