was Pres Noynoy's SONA particularly his rice expose which roused up
like a reliable memory hanger my 3-year old Bud-Taran-peg from within
my subconscious: " Imagine that sacks of rice are piled and stacked up
--- 85 metric tons of them—as more than 50 thousand unsuspecting
familes who are victims of displacement unknowingly await when will
WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME and Sulu line agencies finally give it to them." I
was indignant then, but I am composed now and have gained a sense of my
spiritual equilibrium. So, let me drone my subconscious over again.
It is physically debilitating to dwell on the negative aspects but spiritually rejuvenating to remember Allah in times of crisis.
aspects such as ignorance of Islam and corruption pervade in the
Philippines as well as in our own homes, wasting the Truth entrusted in
our hands to oblivion. It is incumbent on us to safeguard Truth and
Justice as our Ummah is entrusted with the Truth. The priority
is not to win wars; the greatest challenge to hurdle is to make peace
and uphold it honourably without bloodshed. The Gift of Ihyan
may be put to a rigorous test to balance wisdom and inspiration to
choose goodness and refuse evil. May we be guided not to taint the
purity of Islam. If “goodness” shall reign then we glorify Allah by
surviving His test for us to take care of this world by establishing as
humanly possible the peaceful way of life that the Rahmatan lil alameen bequeathed to us. Mercy and forgiveness is best, this injunction applies to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Allah determines mankind’s destiny but it is us His licensed
Vicegerents and Playwrights who shall determine how each of our own
life, how our fellow brethren’s lives, how our own Sulu-and for that
matter how the rest of the world- shall eventually end. Allah
knows best and we know not. Allah suffices for us, He is the Best
Disposer of all affairs. Hasbun’ Allahu wa ni’mal wakil...Ameen Ya Rabb.
My Peaceful Jihad for Truth and Justice
PEACE like LOVE is A Matter of TRUST
By Warina Sushil A. Jukuy
By Warina Sushil A. Jukuy
a struggling voice from Sulu a province consisting of 18 (now 19)
island municipalities, 410 barangays which form part of the territorial
jurisdiction of ARMM ( Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao),
remember the moment exactly but not the date when I shed tears when
things in broad daylight became illuminated to me for what it is.
Paradoxically, this darkened the whole spectrum of my personal
perception of ever hoping to achieve any semblance of optimistic
prospects for truth and justice in my own homeland. Paradoxically!
cannot but help accept the futility of engaging in verbal wrangling in
order to set askew perspectives right. Significantly right, correct, is
understandably relative to most people. Further, we have to admit that
only Almighty Allah has absolute control of life and its reality.
“…Subay lawagun nila in kasulutan…hisyu pa in pamarintahan nila bang kami tau marayaw maubus na matay?’(….They must seek a peaceful resolution…who else will they govern if all of us good citizens get killed?...)--- Babuh Insih Tubadjil an IDP from Brgy Licup, Indanan, Sulu
by Mindanao Peaceweavers (MPW), convened by Fatmawati Salapuddin along
with Fr Angel Calvo, and moderated by Dr Grace Rebollos the Roundtable
Meeting on the Sulu Crisis transpired last 24 April 2007 at 2-4:30
pm,Astoria Hotel, Zamboanga City.
the interfaith prayer, welcoming words of Fr Angel, background info
given by Gus Miclat of IID (Initiatives for International Dialogue),
the plaintive voice in Bahasa Sinug of Babuh Insih Tubadjil, an IDP from Brgy Licup, Indanan, Sulu was heard. “Mugah
kami ha pagkanyun…sah kami nagpawpaguyan…bang kami di matay kuddanan
sin kanyun…matay kami hapdi…tau marayaw in maubus mapatay ampa in tau
marayaw kagunahan nila…subay lawagun nila in kasulutan…hisyu pa in
pamarintahan nila bang kami tau marayaw maubus na matay katan?’
(translated: We are scared by the bombings….we have no choice but to
flee… unscathed by bombings we may not die…but we will surely die from
starvation… (because of protracted war) good citizens will all get
killed but good citizens are what they need….they must seek a peaceful
resolution…who else will they govern if all of us good citizens are
Insih expressed her personal anguish thereby unlocking Agenda One on
humanitarian crisis. Thereafter, Dr. Samsula Adju (Concerned Citizens
of Sulu-CCS, MPPM) ruminated on how glorious Sulu was and how a “very
good program of transforming Sulu from a war zone into economic zone
has turned back into a war zone” due to unresolved armed conflict. On
the other hand, Balay Rehabilitation Center’s Lisa Ugay strongly
articulated her concern on the impact of armed conflict on thousands of
vulnerable groups especially on the welfare of women and children. Ms
Ugay exhorted the combatants to be mindful of upholding and abiding by
the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) which she assumed is familiar
to both combatants in respect to the inherent rights of non-combatants
who are susceptible to be reduced unjustly to mere collateral damage.
writer was the first to interpolate upon recognition. She indignantly
pointed out how frustrating and stupid law can be at times as it
“disabled” social welfare development (dswd) because of election ban
thereby challenging legal minds to correct technical legal binders and
make fortuitous events such as armed conflict to be an exception.
Second pointed out was the questionable data on the actual number of
IDPs wrought by the recent conflict between MNLF under Commander Ustadz
Habier Malik against Joint Task Force Comet-AFP in Sulu. The
question arose on how the relief goods (ie 85 metric tons of rice from
World Food Programme) alongside with humanitarian aid as an “amanat” can be duly accessible to numerous IDPs who are indiscriminately scattered away from the secured zones of evacuation centers.
Lastly, she stressed Babuh Insih’s distress which was inadvertently not
translated to the non-Tausug speaking audience’s benefit: “…(because of
protracted war) good citizens will all get killed but good citizens are
what they need ….They must seek a peaceful resolution…who else will
they govern if we,good citizens, are all decimated?...”
RTD averred that weak mechanisms prevailing must be strengthened to be
substantially responsive to the evacuees’ needs. This concern was
resonated by Prof Adju, Mr. Miclat of IID, Zeny Alawie among others.
Upon Dr Rebollos compelling promptings, Rolly Asuncion of Tabang Sulu
assured to expand partnerships from the civil society in relief
Unlocking Agenda Two on Peace and Security Situation,
USEC Atty Nabil Tan who represented OPAPP Sec Jesus Dureza, patiently
explained that the Election Omnibus Code restricts DSWD on relief
disbursement matters only during election period. Atty Tan spelled out
that it is neither easy nor timely to repeal such laws. He avowed the
number of IDPs , the urgency of seeking help from CSO, necessity of
lifting Comelec ban, how to get by and serve IDPs despite of the
election ban by ensuring coordinative mechanisms, and the need for
sobriety of all sectors amidst the humanitarian crisis.
Gen Juancho Sabban, Deputy Chief Western Mindanao Command-AFP, issued a
narrative on how the conflict erupted. AFP received personal report
from an unidentified MNLF commander of alleged ASG presence in a
combat-free zone where Chief Khaid Ajibon’s camp was situated. On April
9, military source reported Dulmatin and Omar Patek are harbored in
MNLF zone which led to launching a military operation although agreed
by some MNLF field commanders were resisted by others. Gen Sabban
declared that the government will file charges against alleged renegade
MNLF Ustadz Habier Malik and some other MNLF personalities but not
against the MNLF itself. Brig Gen Sabban disclosed how well acquainted
he is with Ustadz Malik and other MNLF commanders and how his peaceful
efforts managed to establish rapport with them.
Atty Mary Ann Arnado interposed during the open forum how can the
General exhaust efforts to coordinate with MNLF commanders and not do
the same coordinated efforts with other stakeholders to strengthen
mechanisms in relief operations for IDPs. While Prof Octavio Dinampo
dwelt on the prospect of no election in some municipalities due to the
outbreak of hostilities.
Speaker Fatmawati Salapuddin of Lupah Sug Bangsamoro Women Association stated that “nobody wants war.”
She read out a statement calling for cessation of hostilities,
recognition and implementation of the 1996 Peace Agreement, the urgency
of holding Tri-partite Talks as well as of resolving long winded
conflict by addressing the rootcauses of the protracted war in Sulu.
convenor Ms Karen Tanada of Mindanao Solidarity Network synthesized the
proceedings in a nutshell. Underscored was the MPW commitment to
provide relief assistance to Sulu IDPs and the desire to be part of the
Tripartite Talks.
Ambiguous peace and security issues
Arnado interjected on the dilemma of how to deal with the ambiguous
peace and security issues. Ms Alawie in her desire to help but who did
not know where and how to access lamented on the difficulty of getting
connected to Sulu humanitarian center for evacuees which turned out to
be located at Tabang Sulu according to Rolly B. Asuncion( Dir IV-Peace
Inst Devt Ofc, OPAPP). A Tausug youth CBCS-MSA affiliated who’s based
in Zambo, outrightly asked AFP and OPAPP if it follows that MNLF Cdr
Ustadz Habier Malik is now excluded in the upcoming tripartite talks.
IID Mr Miclat initially acknowledged humorously that it was incongruous
that after Ms Tanada’s synthesis, there was a spontaneous sequel to the
just concluded RTD. He commented that “it is for the MNLF leaders to
decide among themselves” when Ms Salapuddin and Prof Adju equally
resonated the issue on MNLF leadership representation. Furthermore, he
posed a question to the Tausug folks and the multi-sectoral bodies
present to answer “what are the American troops doing in Sulu at
Validation of H.I. Reports
recognition by OPAPP delegate USEC Nabil Tan, the writer as a local
third-party-interventionist, resiliently lobbied for some pressing
issues on agenda two which impact heavily on the vulnerable Tausug general populace’ fundamental right to security and right to information anchored on truth. She urged for the validation of human intelligence (H.I.) military reports as this breeds erratic violent armed conflict resulting to massive displacement of innocent civilians; for “clarifying mechanisms before firing reflexively”
in the interest of safeguarding and “not endangering stunted buds” of
peace agreements thereby invoking the fundamental law that the state renounces war as an instrument of national policy;
for engendering peace and justice via responsible journalism thereby
emphasizing the tendency of electrifying or yellow news when source
comes merely from secondary sources and how unbalanced news can be if
it comes mostly from AFP source*(note: please read below copy of Atty Raisa Jajurie’s Sulu Update via YMP loop) because rarely do journalists set foot on conflict zone or unsecured zones to interview non-state armed combatant groups; for
the resumption of tripartite talks along the lines of the 1996 Peace
Agreement and with MNLF Chairman Nur Misuari’s crucial role.
Conciliatory means
Brig Gen Sabban politely countered by personally addressing the writer with questions hypothetically: whether
or not to engage and opt for conciliatory means when one is being fired
at by perpetrators, whether or not to uphold law and justice when
necessity calls for it, among others. The writer steadfastly
butted in by clarifying if a response is expected from her but she was
initially overruled. Ultimately, as it necessitated a response from
her, the writer quipped that it depends upon the proximity of
offensive firing whether it is close range or long range because this
shall determine whether source of offensive is possibly identifiable
and accordingly requires spontaneous retaliation. It must be
taken into consideration for purposes of objectivity that non-state
armed groups are not easily identifiable whether they be MNLF or ASG or
JI as the case may be; that when one is fired at by mortars one can
“right away” safely conclude without benefit of doubt that it was fired
at by Ustadz Habier Malik and his group as in this case. How it is
ironic to dissociate Ustadz Malik as a mere personality and not
consider him as an MNLF entity, like they did to Chairman Nur Misuari.
I have relatives from the AFP and there is no malicious intent to
stereotype. In the midst of the alleged ASG leader Al Bader’s ruthless
decapitation of seven innocent civilians who were kidnap-for-ransom
victims and who happened to be workers of incumbent Gov Ben Loong of
Sulu, we wonder if the same bounty was attached to the alleged ASG
leader and if there is an all-out-manhunt for him. Is the same
vigilance to capture and dispose MNLF Ustadz Malik being applied to the
likes of notorious ASG Al-Bader by the military? This observation along
the context of the military narrative is being presented to avoid
irreversible miscalculations that will turn out of inadvertence into an
all out war.
glory of Sulu has been effaced to the eyes. From glory to gory. As a
vulnerable 7-year old IDP during the gory war and burning of Jolo in
1974, the folly of war has been indelibly etched in my heart. Thus,
this fierce yearning for peace remains. The recurring armed conflict,
disorder, and skirmishes after that are nothing compared to the untold
woes and agonies of that devastating war where bombings and gunfires
assaulted your senses randomly—overhead, from the sea beyond you as you
blankly trek the shoreline for refuge, and from the hinterlands. No
evacuation centers. No food reliefs. No Red Cross. No Green Crescent.
Only in Allah can one find solace. And He did grant us sanctuary in the
homes of our people from among the coastal areas. We have thrived
amidst tribulations of enjoining good and forbidding evil. Alhamdulillah, by His Mercy and compassion.
was only through Allah’s Infinite Mercy that children like us cocooned
in their innocence were miraculously shielded from the ravages of that
war. However, as armed conflicts recur, it reactivates the devastating
memories of that more than 3 decades old war… as if it just happened
today…actively brought to life by recurring montage of war through the
years. It is physically debilitating to dwell
on the negative aspects but spiritually rejuvenating to remember Allah
in times of crisis.
aspects such as ignorance of Islam and corruption pervade in the
Philippines as well as in our own homes, wasting the Truth entrusted in
our hands to oblivion. It is incumbent on us to safeguard Truth and
Justice as our Ummah is entrusted with the Truth. The priority
is not to win wars; the greatest challenge to hurdle is to make peace
and uphold it honourably without bloodshed. The Gift of Ihyan
may be put to a rigorous test to balance wisdom and inspiration to
choose goodness and refuse evil. May we be guided not to taint the
purity of Islam. If “goodness” shall reign then we glorify Allah by
surviving His test for us to take care of this world by establishing as
humanly possible the peaceful way of life that the Rahmatan lil alameen bequeathed to us. Mercy and forgiveness is best, this injunction applies to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Allah determines mankind’s destiny but it is us His licensed
Vicegerents and Playwrights who shall determine how each of our own
life, how our fellow brethren’s lives, how our own Sulu-and for that
matter how the rest of the world- shall eventually end. Allah
knows best and we know not. Allah suffices for us, He is the Best
Disposer of all affairs. Hasbun’ Allahu wa ni’mal wakil...Ameen Ya Rabb.
Allah never absconds from His Promise, and never abandons His pious worshipper =)
Verily, ALLAH shall declare war against anyone who shows hostility to any of His pious worshipper
Laa tahzan innallaaha ma anaa.... =)
Fa ‘in tawallaw faqul Hasbiyallaahu Laaa ‘ilaaha ‘illaa huu: ‘alayhi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rabbul Arshil ‘Aziim!
Verily, ALLAH shall declare war against anyone who shows hostility to any of His pious worshipper
Laa tahzan innallaaha ma anaa.... =)
Fa ‘in tawallaw faqul Hasbiyallaahu Laaa ‘ilaaha ‘illaa huu: ‘alayhi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rabbul Arshil ‘Aziim!
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