Be At PEACE Amidst UnPeaCE :)
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Sincerity and Tazkiyatun Nafs |
Be At PEACE Amidst UNPeaCE :)
Negative aspects such as ignorance of Islam and corruption pervade in the Philippines as well as in our own homes, wasting the Truth entrusted in our hands to oblivion. It is incumbent on us to safeguard Truth and Justice as our Ummah is entrusted with the Truth. The priority is not to win wars; the greatest challenge to hurdle is to make peace and uphold it honourably without bloodshed. The Gift of Ihyan may be put to a rigorous test to balance wisdom and inspiration to choose goodness and refuse evil. May we be guided not to taint the purity of Islam. If “goodness” shall reign then we glorify Allah by surviving His test for us to take care of this world by establishing as humanly possible the peaceful way of life that the Rahmatan lil alameen bequeathed to us. Mercy and forgiveness is best, this injunction applies to Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Indeed, Allah determines mankind’s destiny but it is us His licensed Vicegerents and Playwrights who shall determine how each of our own life, how our fellow brethren’s lives, how our own Sulu-and for that matter how the rest of the world- shall eventually end.
Allah knows best and we know not. Allah suffices for us, He is the Best Disposer of all affairs. Hasbun’ Allahu wa ni’mal wakil...Ameen Ya Rabb.
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