Allah SWT heard our prayers. :) Allaahu Akbar!
Ms Jessica Soho thru GMA NEWS State of the Nation Rectified Misconception About Hijaab Being "TRADITION" but it is obligatory and part of ...
Baarakallaahu Fiyk and jazaakallaahu khayr for prompt notice, Utuh Alnajib.
Thanks to JS, MS ZAfra and Lian of GMA News. I was RIGHT when I wrote a newfound friend that GMA 7 could NOT be that vindictive, subjective to bandwagon innocent others just because a “small slice of the Muslim Filipino society” chose to express their ire proactively by invoking responsible journalism and giving them feedback. :)
SUBHANALLAAH! I was RIGHT when I wrote a newfound friend that GMA could NOT be that vindictive or subjective to bandwagon innocent others just because a “small slice of the Muslim Filipino society” chose to express their ire proactively by invoking responsible journalism and giving them feedback. :) It responsibly found a way to RECTIFY misconceptions on HIJAAB and to expose Islamic as well as legal bases of HIJAAB.
INDEED, We cannot compromise ISLAM just to sustain the support of MEDIA. Nahmadullaah wa nashkuruh wallaahul musta’aan.
Have faith, Muslim brethren, let us be steadfast and Allaah will answer our fervent supplications for help… let us STRIVE to be among the instruments bi idhnillaah of Allah’s help…
GMA-Jessica Soho helped us expose truths re Islamic and legal bases of HIJAAB… and I reiterate I'd rather lose everything than the HELP OF ALLAH AZZA WA JALLA :) Allaahu Akbar! ")
Allahu Akbar!!! Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil aalameen
:) Thanks to Sis Aleah Dilangalen Dipatuan and Tasneem of OPAPP. Thanks for the jihadul lihsaan of eloquent Ukhthi Wadha Mando, May Riza Ibrahim and feisty Jhums Napii-Estino, and the neo-fierce Lion of the Muslim Youth Alnajib Maujon, and the mujahidul kalam of Sulaiman Tahsin :) Baarakallaahu feekum
Baarakallaahu Fiyk and jazaakallaahu khayr for prompt notice, Utuh Alnajib.
Thanks to JS, MS ZAfra and Lian of GMA News. I was RIGHT when I wrote a newfound friend that GMA 7 could NOT be that vindictive, subjective to bandwagon innocent others just because a “small slice of the Muslim Filipino society” chose to express their ire proactively by invoking responsible journalism and giving them feedback. :)
SUBHANALLAAH! I was RIGHT when I wrote a newfound friend that GMA could NOT be that vindictive or subjective to bandwagon innocent others just because a “small slice of the Muslim Filipino society” chose to express their ire proactively by invoking responsible journalism and giving them feedback. :) It responsibly found a way to RECTIFY misconceptions on HIJAAB and to expose Islamic as well as legal bases of HIJAAB.
INDEED, We cannot compromise ISLAM just to sustain the support of MEDIA. Nahmadullaah wa nashkuruh wallaahul musta’aan.
Have faith, Muslim brethren, let us be steadfast and Allaah will answer our fervent supplications for help… let us STRIVE to be among the instruments bi idhnillaah of Allah’s help…
GMA-Jessica Soho helped us expose truths re Islamic and legal bases of HIJAAB… and I reiterate I'd rather lose everything than the HELP OF ALLAH AZZA WA JALLA :) Allaahu Akbar! ")
Allahu Akbar!!! Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil aalameen
:) Thanks to Sis Aleah Dilangalen Dipatuan and Tasneem of OPAPP. Thanks for the jihadul lihsaan of eloquent Ukhthi Wadha Mando, May Riza Ibrahim and feisty Jhums Napii-Estino, and the neo-fierce Lion of the Muslim Youth Alnajib Maujon, and the mujahidul kalam of Sulaiman Tahsin :) Baarakallaahu feekum
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