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Friday, May 31, 2013

Cooking PEACE from the ASHES of WaR

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in Tausug

Maglutu Kasanyangan ha Abu sin Bunu
ni Warina Sushil A. Jukuy
Awn bahgu lawan-mata jimajatu bihaun,
Bangsa-Fatima,magpatindug sin Kasanyangan;
Bangsa-Fatima,magpatindug mga kawman;
Isukan MAMINDAHI kabtangan ha unahan
Ha babai -in ini- nahinang kawajiban.
Ha haggut-lima niya, buhangin iyulinan;
Na-ayak ha ut sin bukug-gulamay.
Du-un ha pagun sin bitis, buggat sin puun-tiyan liyutu;
Hati yaun pa mga anak ha daghal piyadu'ru'.
Ha tuktuk kilay niya, timuna' in abu sin bunu';
Duun ha bayhu, kiya-ukkil in dalil-pattah!
Ha mata niya, kiya-saminan in kamatay;
Duun ha simud, kimummi' in tangis-umaw!
Bihaun, Tubig na-a-angpud ha pilukmata niya imanud-nanugas;
Tiyandak karuwa siki, dwa lima tyabiran ha astul
Pag-kignut sin agaba, bayhu niya marbol
Namilu, nakumut ha ruhun sin bungsi agad pasu-atay!
Sumagawah, isugan niya imuyum misan siya agun tangisun,
Pangatayan lyatapan sin luha kimu-kubbut lima-lagublub,
Ah,yaun! lawan-mata sin masa limabay masi' nangjuri:
Pasal mga Gagandilan, liyulubu' in kasanyangan,
Pasal mga Gagandilan, nagpapatindug sin bunu'-malangsa
Pagsahi di-i katu' ra Fatima-isug-pipisan
in bunu' hipabarmula pa Salaam.
Cooking Peace from the Ashes of War
By Warina Sushil A. Jukuy
A new vision is taking place,
Foreseeing women building peace;
Envisioning women building communities;
Qualified by the word TRANSFORMATIVE:
For women, this has become imperative.
Upon her delicate hands, she cups grains of sand;
As it sifted itself through her bony phalange.
Upon her supple limbs, she bears the weight of womb;
As she suckles her babies upon her bosom.
Upon her brows, settled ashes of war;
Upon her face, carved its pictographs!
Upon her eyes, mirrored deathly scenes;
Upon her lips, quiver a silent cry!
Now fiery water flow forth from her frozen lashes;
As she stomps her feet, wrings her hands.
As she shrugs her shoulders, her marble face
Turns apoplectic; contorts from revolting fury!
Yet she braves a smile though she seems to cry,
Her heart floods with pulsing, raging tears,
As an old vision persists to tease:
Of Men destroying PEACE,
Of Men building "fishy" WARS;
For us feisty women to transform into PEACE!
© Warina Sushil A. Jukuy
     painting by Waway Linsahay Saway

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