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Monday, August 13, 2012

Give Ramadhan Best Farewell and Peace

Source : Lata’if al-Ma’arif
Ibn Rajab's book: Lataif al Maa'rif. A portion of this book pertaining to Ramadan was summarized by Sheikh Abdur Rahman bin Muhammed bin Qassim the compiler of Majmu al Fatawa by Ibn Taymiyyah, with several additions by Sheikh Abdur Rahman himself.
Translated by Mustafa George

The Salaf worked diligently in perfecting their actions and making them faultless, then after that, they showed great concern for acceptance of their actions. They did this because they feared that their actions would be rejected. They are those who gave what was incumbent upon them while their hearts were in a state of fear. It is reported that Ali bin Abi Taleb said: Be more concerned that your actions are accepted than your concern of performing the action itself. Did you not hear the statement of Allah:
{Verily Allah only accepts the actions of the Mutaqeen (pious)}

Fudalah said: For me to know that Allah has accepted from me an action the size of a mustard seed, is more beloved to me than this world and everything within it. This is because of the statement of Allah:

{Verily Allah only accepts the actions of the Mutaqeen (pious)}

Malik bin Dinar said: Fear that an action is not accepted is more difficult than performing the action itself.

"Ataa as Sulamee stated: The pious fear that their righteous actions were not done sincerely for Allah.
Abdul Azeez ibn Abee Ruwaad said: I have met people very diligent in performing actions, and upon completion of those actions they are faced with sadness in fear of the action being accepted or not.

Some Salaf used to say:
" The people of the past would supplicate 6 months to Allah to allow them to reach the month of Ramadan, and then upon completion of the month, they would again supplicate 6 months (begging) for acceptance of their fast. Some of the Salaf would display sadness on the day of Eid. It was said to them: This is a day of happiness and joy! They would respond: You have spoken the truth, but I am a servant, my Lord has ordered me to perform an action but I am not sure if He will accept it from me or not..."


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