Via a blog comment, Dr Sherjan Kalim, President of IMAN (Islamic Medical Association of the Philippines, Inc.), exhorted Pilar College President Sr Maria Nina Balbas to resign and to go on a retreat.
Dr Kalim is calling out for Balbas' resignation as President of Pilar College
in order to remove any bias or influence on the outputs of the consultative
meetings which will be recommending resolution to the issue regarding Hijab Ban Policy. IMAN President is imploring her to resign now out of delicadeza.
Dr Kalim's exhortation is resonated by Warina Sushil A. Jukuy, PAHRA Paralegal Worker Coordinator for WesMin,and SECGEN of HAN (Hijaab and Niqaab Advocacy Network). Dr Kalim is as one among the 10 Board of Trustees of HAN. Jukuy maintains the Jihadul aKbar blog as her peaceful jihad against the SELF.

Sherjan KalimAugust 9, 2012 1:52 PM
for the resignation of Pilar College President Ma. Nina Balbas. This is
to remove any bias or influence the outputs of the consultative
meetings which will be recommending resolution of this issue. Out of
delicadeza, please, Sr. Ma. Nina Balbas, RESIGN NOW as President of
Pilar College. Go on a retreat please.