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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Olfactorily Challenged Nos(e)talgia: The Smell of Kalang, Tapul, Sulu

Nos(e)talgia: The Smell of  Kalang, Tapul, Sulu

I just can't figure it.
Couldn't put my finger...ooops my nose...on it... :P
I indeed am olfactorily challenged!
There are times, rare it may be, that I blurt out of the blue: "Hamut Tapul..." (It smells Tapul...)
Funny...I cannot describe exactly the fragrance all I know my olfactory sense signals me...it is Tapul's fragrance that I am suddenly sniffing in the air.
Could be the mist from the sea...the smell of the corals...the sea breeze...the flowers growing the old school's fence...the "sweet rice congee" seasoned by pandan leaves...the sea urchin team-cooked in its own shell...although I love it best steamed wrapped in banana leaves then grilled next... 
Or...if there is such a thing as "the fragrance of ambiance".

Why did old memories 42 years back suddenly come alive?
Resurrected...when our dear Aunt passed away
Inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
Her terminus resurrected memories of scrambled duck's egg
Sizzling "ja" in deep gurgling oil....as light mocha colored batter transcends three layered screen
I hear the staccato of tapping...in time with digital tapping upon my laptop keys
Ja...Yes...Ja...my German friend would agree...NgWL...

I mean one thing and he means another in the affirmative
Such truant thoughts of yesteryears...