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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Mindanao Islamic Education 2012: REVISITED

The Mindanao Islamic Education 2012: REVISITED

TOGETHER, let us explore from the point of view of Islam, the importance of education as a tool in the processes of holistic peace and development; as well as in the fulfillment of the right to education for all Muslims.


Like the good UP-IIS Dean Wadi, I believe it is one thing to sign a peace process but it's another thing to implement it on the ground; similarly, it is one thing to design an integrated Islamic Education curriculum or to build and mainstream an Islamic school. Nonetheless it is an entirely alien thing to implement it in the hallowed halls of the academe in a very "peacefully challenged" political environmental setting. I resonate what Prof Wadi once portended, that there will arise from among the Moros with a higher demand than what is presented currently.

Personally, from right to self determination, I have elevated the battleground to a loftier echelon, the right to Islamic Education for all Muslims as this inalienable right encompasses a Muslim’s life and creed which is ISLAM.

 l-R: Shaykh Abdulhamid Jamiri, IIP; Shaykh Jamal S. Munib. NUCP ; Omar Penalber, ISCAG Pres; Dr AbulKhair Tarason, Chairperson, NUConferenceP and BUCP ; USEC  Aleem Alzad Sattar, ARMM-Madaris; Shaykh Abdulwahid Inju, Mufti Darul Iftah Tawi-Tawi; Standing: Ustadz Jhavir Tagayan; Warina Sushil A. Jukuy, FGD Moderator/ Jihad al Akbar; Fatima Zeeria Tandih, MSA-ADEZU, Documentor;  Aleema Huria Al Moqdad. SII; Shaykh Zayd Ocfemia. Executive Director, Markaz ad Dhiya, Inc; Shaykh Ibrahim Isnain; Shaykh Abdulwahid Ikiram; and OMMOW Founder; as well as Shaykh Muhaimin Sakili, Mahad Moro.  

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