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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How Hollow and Shallow Life Is?

How hollow
and shallow life is...
is it as deep as one's grave
or as shallow?

is it as narrow a cloister
when one is cocooned
as a babe inside Umm's womb?
or is it as abysmal as its 3-D
veils of nothingness?

And when you gush forth
gaspin for breath of precious
air to tide you up, is your
cradle as constricted 
as your puny voice?

Is your world as scrawny 
as your size? Or is it as
nearsighted  as your eyes
or farsighted perhaps?

Between you and the Absolute
is life as hollow and shallow?
inside your own shack
in its limited expanse
are you a prisoner of its 4-walls?

Yet, to a man as his soles 
tread upon his blessed carpet
does he feel restricted on its space?
Or, a woman enclosed within
the solace of her Khalil's embrace
is muffled into mere flesh?

Is your heart tussling
within its confines
stifled by a melee of
smothered feelings?

How shallow
and hollow life is
as you wallow in a
limbo of sad thoughts?

cheerless your laughter
throttles your own throat
your dour smile
crackin your sour face?

One wonders how can
a quiche be tart
and acerbic not sweet
replete of blandness?

How hollow
and shallow life is...
is it as deep as one's grave
or as shallow?

How hollow 
and shallow life is...
is it as corrugated
as the fissures of
your brain, drain
as a sap? 

Or could it be leakin
like BP oil spill tricklin
precious black gold
yet bleak as your black mood?

Consumed in ludicrous
hilarity, I focused my gaze
towards oblivion engulfing
me in Infinity of

Dimension defying
length, breadth, height
depth and width 
in a trance 
of contemplation

Being is, not being is not
Parmenides is bemuddled
in his own warped logic
of Zero devoid of One

How hollow
and shallow life is...
is it as deep as one's grave
or as shallow?

Be you in solitary pit
a hut, trapped in a hug
conceived, coagulated
spawned, manifested

You are but a Speck
of the Malikul Mulk's
Dominion, the Divine Cosmos
has never felt locked up
in its Eternal Confines

and if you quibble with me
as you snuggle wily to
sniggle with me such trite
query on...

How hollow
and shallow life is...
is it as deep as one's grave
or as shallow?

I will nip it in the bud
swiftly you'd be stymied:
It's a Matter of Perspective!

"Blessed be He in Whose hands is Dominion: and He over all things hath Power; He Who created Death and Life that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving;....  (Surah Al-Mulkhat -67:1-2)

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