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Monday, March 25, 2013

Do NOT Kill Islam in Our Hearts: Respect our Right But FULFILL AND SAFEGUARD It, Too!

Bismillaahi walhamdulillaah wassalaatu wassalaamu alaa Rasuulillaah
Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Baarakatuhu
As a voice amplifying muted voices from the marginalized citizenry, these were the salient points that we resonated:
1. We acknowledged and thanked the successful efforts done by lead convenor NCMF most especially by Commsr Edilwasif Baddiri and our HIJABISTS DESK CHIEFTAIN-LEGAL DEFENDER Atty Yaser Apion now with a “hotline”!;
2. We re-affirmed that the “hijaab struggle” started for almost two decades resolutely defended by the Federation of Muslim Students Association (FMSA) and it is thru the nurturing hands of FMSA and UZ thru the late President/CEO Archie Eustaquio where the liberating ground of thousands of MSA students’ piety was spawned;
3. Our humble voice resonate these students’ struggle to the right to religious freedom only in 2008 up to present initially upon appeal from an alumnus, Gamson T. Quijano, staunch defender of hijaab along with Alnajib Maujon in 2011 until we organized the HIJAAB-NIQAAB ADVOCACY NETWORK (HAN);
4. However, it was only in 2011 that we found the key to get engage and collaborate with NCMF through Commsr Edil Baddiri until we found our Hijabists Desk Legal Officer Atty Yaser Apion-from then on NCMF and its regional offices (Manila, Sulu, Basilan, Zamboanga Peninsula and Cebu) have been our e-hub to redress grievances concerning right to religious freedom;
5. As we segue what the NCMF Sec Mehol Sadain said in his Opening Message, the object of the forum is NOT merely to influence but also to generate awareness which NCMF has successfully done when it convened relevant govt agencies and non-govt agencies today;
6. We reiterate his statement that hijaab is more than about fear of ALLAH in as much as it is a raiment of piety;
7. Thus, to infringe it is to strip our women of their taqwa unjustly;
8. We would like to believe that the infringement on hijaab-niqaab is committed by these agencies *NOT* out of spite or prejudice but it is merely out of ignorance just as Commsr Edil has said;
9. However, amidst circulation of pertinent memos and legal issuances: how come the very agencies (such as NBI for one) are defying the very memo that emanated from them? Their personnel mock and ridicule Muslim applicants in phototaking process about a non-existing memo- which is a shame and unforgivable too for personnel of the NBI to be ignorant that such memo is in existence. Such incidents have sown distrust and loss of faith from the youth and other Muslim stakeholders; they feel hopeless of ever receiving genuine redress from the government until the NCMF came in.
10. THUS, with all due respect and begging for his indulgence- we pose two relevant questions to the NCMF Secretary: “Apart from the resolute legal action and processes exhausted by Atty Yaser Apion (Baarakallaahu feehum), what proactive action can NCMF take against government agencies that flagrantly defy its own memo? If prohibition of hijaab-niqaab has reached Judge Estacio’s sala and a writ of preliminary injunction was issued and subsequently defied by UZ, what proactive step must we take to right a wrong? If there is impunity for those perpetrators who abduct our ustadzes without due process of law, it is deplorable that *identified* human rights violators shall go unpunished;
11. Aloud we recall the case of a UP student who committed suicide just because she was not allowed to take her examinations because of financial hardship; how then does her suicide relate to the violation of hijaab-niqaab? We reiterated text from a poster we created:
“Educators and institutions must not become an INSTRUMENT that drives “striving-to-be-pious” students to the brink of spiritual suicide” to unveil is to compel them to commit “spiritual suicide” by killing the life of their religious worship;
12. We recommend that HOLISTIC EDUCATION must lead us to the Summum Bonum which is IHSAN and closer to the ALPHA-OMEGA which is ALLAH; for what is the use of an education if it drives you away from the Beneficence and Mercy of ALLAH- the AL-Alim?
13. This matter is not to trifle with, as evidenced in the threshold impacted by the Pilar College issue albeit the wisdom is media* mileage in terms of promoting awareness of hijaab-niqaab because it is as serious as *endangering* our very peace and security as Muslims instead of *engendering* it;
14. Allowing Hijaab-Niqaab is not merely allowing female Muslims to cover their head; it must include the juyyubihinna excepting the face and hands; and at times excepting only the eyes such as in niqaab. CAVEAT: It is not safe to say that allowing the head veil ONLY but disallowing hijaab of the arms and legs such as in ADEZU is already not tantamount to prohibiting hijab per se because it still IS tantamount to exposing their awrah or private parts!”
15. Aware that our right to religious freedom as minority groups is not merely uphold by our local state laws but as well as international laws as entrenched in Art 8 UNDHR, Art 15 ICESCR and Art 27 of ICCPR; we implore the NCMF along with every Muslim present here please…whatever madhaab you may belong whether or not you believe in hijaab-niqaab…please whoever comes to you for help regarding its violation please do help them retain their raiment of taqwa;
16. TOGETHER let us assert to uphold THAT the right to hijaab-niqaab of our Muslim women, the right to religious freedom of Muslims is NOT ONLY about RESPECTING it, it is most importantly all about

♥ Alhamdulillaah...may ALLAH accept our humble endeavors and may ALLAH grant us guidance, piety, self-sufficiency, and contentment...ameen Ya Rabb. ♥

Baarakallaahu feekum wa jazaakumullaahu khayran to all those who joined and are still joining our humble striving to champion the Right to Worship ALLAH... aameen Ya Rabb ♥
— at Azenith Royale Hotel.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Call tothe Organization of ISLAMIC COOPERATION and to Yang di-Pertuan Agong

Thank you for contacting OIC, we'll reply to your message as soon as possible.
Your delivery email has been sent
57 are calling you to act!
ppm@pmo.gov.my, ppm@pmo.gov.my
King Abdul Halim Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Almu'tasimu Billahi,
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak of Malaysia,
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC),
Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, OIC SecGEN,

Thanks for delivering your petition to your target. An email has been sent to the address you provided along with the text of your petition and the list of signers. Make sure to follow-up with the target to confirm they got the message and keep up the good work. When more people sign or if you have a good idea for an offline delivery, consider delivering the petition again!

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

To the Honorable Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
P.O.Box 178, Jeddah 21411,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel: + 966 2 65 15 222
Fax: + 966 2 651 22 88

Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Baarakatuhu

Mine is a lone plaintive voice belonging to a Muslimah, a Bangsamoro from the Tausug tribe of Jolo, Sulu (the same province where the MNLF Chairman Nur P. Misuari comes from); one of the royal progeny of Sharif Ismail from Parang, and by historical fate belonging to a Filipino citizen of the Republic of the Philippines.

In the spirit of qata ur rahim wassilaatur rahim, I invoke the crucial intercession of KING ABDUL HALIM, the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) so that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will resolutely end OPS DAULAT and the SABAH Siege and to resolve peacefully the cul de sac on "conflict of rights".

Moreover, I appeal to everyone to uphold our respect for the sanctity of Human Life at all times and of International Humanitarian Law because as much as both parties are standing on a right when they decided to be embroiled in this violent conflict, the substantive rights of innocent civilians consisting of vulnerable children, women, and the elderly is SUPREME over the rights asserted by these two conflicting groups.

I beseech 57 others to join me, let us affirm our striving as Muslims to help the oppressed as we simultaneously help the oppressors NOT to oppress the oppressed.

With all due respect and begging for your indulgence: as I sincerely supplicate to ALLAH, I exhort the Prime Minister of Malaysia and urgently appeal for the intercession of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Secretary General of OIC to resolve the SABAH CRISIS and STOP OPS DAULAT.

I believe that as Muslims we must strive NOT to do any injustice to one another bearing in mind that it is the collective jihad of the community to resolve peacefully the prevailing problem on CORRUPTION and OPPRESSION by way of sincere nasiha in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Let us not resort to fighting or bickering with our Muslim brethren because our SALAH (obligatory prayer) is the pact between us and them.

It could have been decided and acted upon in defense of honor and sovereignty of Malaysia BUT...

OPS DAULAT must be stopped because

1. the "military offensive" by way of OPS DAULAT- is NOT ONLY an all out surgical operation BUT has NOW BECOME a SIEGE-

a. being executed by the Malaysian government with the strategic intention to isolate Sabah from help and supplies,

b. for the purpose of lessening the "defensive" resistance exerted by RAJA MUDA AGBIMUDDIN KIRAM and his Royal Security Forces under the command of SULTAN JAMALUL KIRAM III (albeit they are standing on a rightful claim to Sabah),

c. so that the Malaysian forces can either flush them out or capture them "for as long as it takes."

IN EFFECT, the siege is now isolating SABAH from:

1. humanitarian assistance and humanitarian intervention coming from
a. the Philippines as well as
b. international communities such as the United Nations including
2. monitoring from third-party interventionists consisting of human rights groups, civil society organizations and media.

Beyond denouncing this siege as an act of injustice and an act of violence tantamount to an overkill now being done by Malaysia just to capture 235 men, united we ALL must proactively put an end to it because the military assault has now become indiscriminate and NOT solely directed at combatants.

I along with the 57 individuals/organizations unite our voices to say NO, to plaintively shout STOP, and to implore you to please act upon it NOW!

The prevailing situation may look bleak and hopeless, but we are hopeful that:

The Power of Answered Supplication like The Indisputable Precision of The Power of Allaah is swifter in exacting justice than keyboards  which is more speedy than courts, louder than sounds of bombs and bullets, lethal than the Intrepid Kris, and better than NONE AT ALL.

Baarakallaahu feekum wa jazaakumullaahu khayran.

Your sister in Islam,

HOW? PLEASE Do NOT ALLOW THEM to kill fellow Muslims or cut-off kinship ties with them by UNJUSTLY labeling them as TERRORISTS!!!


ORGANIZATION                                                                                          COUNTRY
Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA)                       Philippines
Jihad al Akbar Foundation Catalyst for Proactive Change                          Philippines
Rene Magtubo, Partido ng Manggagawa (PM)                                            Philippines
Partido ng Manggagawa (PM)                                                                       Philippines
Markaz Muslimat Lid-dawah Islamiya                                                         Philippines
International Conference of Muslim Young Leaders 2003                       Philippines

Name                                Country
Abu Ghazie                       Qatar
Baibonn D. Sangid           Philippines
Greg Fabros                      Philippines
Bin Ahmad                        Qatar
Adam Joseph                    Philippines
Benhur ben Joseph           Qatar
Alnajib Butlangan Maujon Philippines
Ibn yousef                        Qatar
Anisha Elin Guro            Philippines
Maryam                            Philippines
Jhumura Estino                Philippines
Gamson Jr Mawallil Quijano   Saudi Arabia
Al Jundam                        Philippines
Umm_Hisham                   Qatar
Domini Lorena                Philippines
Raden Ikbala                    Philippines
Junical                             Saudi Arabia
Abdullah Amin                Philippines
Dr Benj Bangahan           Philippines
Benhar Yusop                   Qatar
Albar T. Ismael                Qatar
Neldy Jolo                       Malaysia
Rose Al-kinani               Philippines
Sherhija hajiron             Philippines
Jundam Abdurahman Jumala     Philippines
Lateef Akanbi Adeyemi        Nigeria
Yawmin Abdurasad             Qatar
Naeema Sali                     Philippines
Al Qatr                             Qatar
Satra Sali                         Philippines
Mohammad Jaji                Philippines
Abdel Aziz Dawami            Philippines
Manzz                                Philippines
Harimar Calbi Totoh          Philippines
Atitha Bint Ismael             Brunei
Zadraina bint Zadarsia       Philippines
Jenahl Bautista                  Philippines
Fatma Indiramal              Saudi Arabia
Ummo Culthum Alibasa         Philippines
Jehan Gui                    Papua New Guinea
Gemma Aharuddin Malali       Philippines

Name Country
Edris Jamaldin        Qatar
Alnie Bautista        Philippines
Arquiza Andas Rubio   Philippines
Rima Bint Riffal Arquiza Philippines
Raizzah Bint Riffal Arquiza Philippines
Abu Aisha Dianedra     Philippines
Umm Aisha              Philippines
Umm Sadaqah            Philippines
Nix                     Mexico


Thursday, March 14, 2013



PLS STOP "Ops Daulat"!!! A SIEGE that MUST Spare INNOCENT CIVILIANSThis petition is awaiting approval by the Avaaz Community http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/PLS_STOP_OPS_DAULAT
27 signers. Let's reach 100

Why this is important

Connected globally as Muslims not only at FACEBOOK or cyberworld but most of all by virtue of SILAATUR RAHIM, please sign up and join me as third-party interventionists to:
HELP STOP KILLING HEARTS and STOP SEVERING QATA UR RAHIM; HOW? PLEASE Do NOT kill fellow Muslims or cut-off kinship ties with them by UNJUSTLY labeling them as TERRORISTS!!!

It could have been decided and acted upon in defense of honor and sovereignty of Malaysia BUT...

OPS DAULAT must be stopped because

1. the "military offensive" by way of OPS DAULAT- is NOT ONLY an all out surgical operation BUT has NOW BECOME a SIEGE-

a. being executed by the Malaysian government with the strategic intention to isolate Sabah from help and supplies,

b. for the purpose of lessening the "defensive" resistance exerted by RAJA MUDA AGBIMUDDIN KIRAM and his Royal Security Forces under the command of SULTAN JAMALUL KIRAM III (albeit they are standing on a rightful claim to Sabah),

c. so that the Malaysian forces can either flush them out or capture them "for as long as it takes."

IN EFFECT, the siege is now isolating SABAH from:

1. humanitarian assistance and humanitarian intervention coming from
a. the Philippines as well as
b. international communities such as the United Nations including
2. monitoring from third-party interventionists consisting of human rights groups, civil society organizations and media.

Beyond denouncing this siege as an act of injustice and an act of violence tantamount to an overkill now being done by Malaysia just to capture 235 men, united we ALL must proactively put an end to it because the military assault has now become indiscriminate and NOT solely directed at combatants.

THIS IS APPALLING! OPS DAULAT is actually ricocheting to impact significantly not on the OPS DAULAT's military objective but on the innocent civilians residing in Sabah mostly vulnerable children, women and the elderly.

THUS, We strongly urge the Malaysian government not to vent its ire on innocent civilians in Sabah;

We fervently appeal to their sense of honor not to let their wrath prevail over their mercy upon non-combatants. If they do NOT desist, then we exhort them that the crime of dishonor lies on oppressors and not upon the oppressed.

The reported indiscriminate aerial and ground military offensive is an unspeakable violation of the Filipino civilians' (in Sabah) right to life, and which has consequently endangered their right to human security.

Moreover, this indiscriminate assault has dismally resulted to unaccounted for deaths, warrantless arrests, and most especially the displacements of thousands ofvulnerable groups consisting of children, women, and the elderly.

Mine is a lone plaintive voice belonging to a Muslim, a Bangsamoro from the Tausug tribe of Jolo, Sulu; one of the royal progeny of Sharif Ismail, and by historical fate belonging to a Filipino citizen of the Republic of the Philippines.

With all due respect and begging for your indulgence: as I sincerely supplicate to ALLAH, I exhort the Prime Minister and urgently appeal for the intercession of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong that as Muslims we must strive NOT to do any injustice to one another bearing in mind that it is the collective jihad of the community to resolve peacefully the prevailing problem on CORRUPTION and OPPRESSION by way of sincere nasiha in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Let us not resort to fighting or bickering with our Muslim brethren because our SALAH (obligatory prayer) is the pact between us and them.

Let us unite our voices to say NO, let us shout STOP, and let us do it NOW! When the prevailing situation looks bleak and hopeless, let us always remember:

The Power of Answered Supplication like The Indisputable Precision of The Power of Allaah is swifter in exacting justice than keyboards which is more speedy than courts, louder than sounds of bombs and bullets, lethal than the Intrepid Kris, and better than NONE AT ALL.
Posted March 13, 2013

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